Oscar Singer
Oscar Singer was born in Radomysl Wielki, Poland in 1925. As a teen and young adult, Oscar survived imprisonment and forced labor in the Mielec, Wieliczka, Krakau-Plaszow, Theresienstadt, and Auschwitz camps. Following the end of the war, he was held in a displaced persons camp. After receiving his visa to come to the United States in 1951, he eventually settled in Denver, Colorado. He married, had three children, and had a successful career in the restaurant and catering business for many years. While living in Denver, he spoke to many students and other groups, sharing his story of survival. A few years ago, he relocated to Pittsburgh to live with his daughter, Lee Fischbach.
Read more about Oscar
Oscar Singer: surviving Auschwitz and the Holocaust | The Communique
Holocaust survivor, Oscar Singer, shares experience with IUP, Indiana communities | The Penn