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Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass”, was a pogrom that occurred November 9-10, 1938. It was the first organized, government-sanctioned act of violence against the Jews in Germany. It marks the start of the systematic violence against Jews during the Holocaust. Each year, the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh holds an event to commemorate this important turning point in history.

Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh’s annual Kristallnacht program is generously supported by Edgar Snyder.

2024 Kristallnacht Program

As we commemorated the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the November pogrom, this event connected the outbreak of public anti-Jewish violence in Nazi Germany with the remarkable cultural production in the Theresienstadt ghetto. Historian Dr. Joshua Andy and Theresienstadt expert Dr. Anna Hájková explored the many meanings of music in Theresienstadt. During the program, members of the Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestras (TYRPO) who visited Terezin performed music and spoke about their experience.

Past Programs