Remembering the Children B’nai Mitzvah Project
Thank you for your interest in making the Remembering the Children (sometimes referred to as “Twinning”) Project part of your B’nai Mitzvah.
The Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh is pleased to offer vetted, age-appropriate resources and research compiled by our team to make this a quick and easy yet meaningful addition to preparing for your Mitzvah. Parents may also wish to review the suggested resources in order to facilitate ongoing family conversations about what was learned.
- Fill out the “Remembering the Children” application form and make a donation to the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh. We suggest a donation of $36 to $180, but please do not let cost be a barrier to your participation in the program.
- Your donation is a powerful act of Tzedakah that will go toward the continuing the educational work of the Holocaust Center.
- Review the following introductory articles/videos:
- Introduction to the Holocaust-
- Children in the Holocaust-
- Browse the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh’s “Remembering the Children” digital document and select a child to honor.
- You may consider choosing a child because of a shared name, a country of origin similar to your family ancestry, or simply because their photograph, name, or story speak to you.
- Some children’s stories are longer than others, and some do not include photographs; this is reflective of how much was destroyed with the children and their families during the Holocaust, and the importance of keeping their memories alive through your Mitzvah.
- Once you have selected the young person you would like to honor, get in touch with the Holocaust Center (Julia at to let us know who you have selected. Holocaust Center staff can answer any additional questions you may have about what you learned, and we will create and email you a personalized certificate of completion.
- Suggested Next Step: Print the certificate on cardstock and have your rabbi or another leader present it to you during your B’nei Mitzvah ceremony.
- Suggested Next Step: Based on everything you have seen, create some type of reflective creative piece (written report, poem, art piece); it does not need to be long, but should reflect your own thoughts on everything you’ve learned and what honoring a child from the Holocaust means as you take this important step in your Jewish life. Feel free to share with the Center if you wish!
- Suggested Next Step: You may choose to honor the child you selected during your service in whatever way you see fit. Some suggestions include sharing information about the child in your program or by speaking about them during your D’var Torah.
- Suggested Next Step: We invite you to stay engaged with the Holocaust Center and Holocaust education after your ceremony has passed:
- CHUTZ-POW! Superheroes of the Holocaust is our comic book series appropriate for ages 11+ that is available for purchase on
- The LIGHT Education Initiative is our in-school outreach program that holds numerous programs throughout the year. We are continuing to expand the program, so if you don’t see one at a school near you–reach out!
- If your school is registered to participate, you can submit artwork through the Waldman International Art and Writing Competition. Schools can register to participate at any point while applications are open, so if you don’t see your school, share the competition with a teacher!
- Revolving Doors is our exhibit at Chatham University. We will not be able to admit walk-in visitors; tickets are available Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for three entry times: noon, 1:00, or 2:00, but additional hours can be arranged by request. We hope you will come see us!