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The Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh offers several educational resources to the community, including:

  • Events held virtually in locations throughout the city with various community partners;
  • The CHUTZ-POW! comic book series, which helps educators share lessons of the Holocaust;
  • Teacher training for educators to learn how to educate about the Holocaust in their classrooms and communities;
  • Community competitions including the Waldman International Arts and Writing Competition and Holocaust Educator of the Year Award
  • Reference services for our collection of 3000 books;
  • Free speaking engagements with local Holocaust survivors, educators, and/or volunteers;
  • Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh publications available to order;
  • Internship/Volunteer opportunities;
  • Gallery space at Chatham University, as well as original online exhibitions

If you have any questions about educational opportunities with the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh, please contact Christina Sahovey at

Our educational programs are proudly sponsored by the Claims Conference.