AVIS de Départ / d’Arrivée d’un JUIF form
Means “Notice of departure/arrival of a Jew.” This form was to register comings and goings of Jewish people in France during the war. It is just one example of how closely monitored Jews in Nazi-occupied and collaborationist Europe were.
The Ministry of the Interior of the collaborationist government used this document to limit the movements of the Jewish Population in Vichy, France. The Vichy government “requested” that Jews notify the government every time they moved if they planned to live at the new location for more than thirty days. This document was sent to all the Local Prefects throughout Vichy.
During the German occupation, many Jews were forced to register and identify themselves as Jewish. These measures were put in place to track and control the movements of people within the territory and eventually facilitated visual identification. This new visibility subjected families to increased discrimination and isolation. These lists also made it easier for the eventual round ups and deportations to Detention Centers and Concentration Camps.