Past Events
Throughout the year, the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh holds numerous events around the city. As of March 2020, our programs have been held exclusively online. Recordings of many of these virtual events can be found on our YouTube channel.
Here are some of the events that have already taken place.
- Celebration of Life for Shulamit Bastacky
- Voices of the Generations: An Evening with Julie Kohner in Honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day
- B’nei Mitzvah Info Session
- Capitol Crimes: Protests, Policing, and the Future of American Democracy
- Educator of the Year Interview: Dr. Joe Harmon
- Conversations Series: Kevin Mosley
- Generations Speaker Series: Susan Hawkins and Peter Robinson (Part 2)
- Generations Speaker Series: Susan Hawkins and Peter Robinson (Part 1)
- Generations Speaker Series: Alison Brown Karabin
- An Irrepressible Woman: A Discussion of the Holocaust in France
- Soul Witness: Survivor Testimony as Inspiration During Troubling Times
- Conversations Series: Julie Mallis
- Survivor Speaker: Dr. Steven Fenves
- America and the Holocaust: A Conversation with Dr. Barbara Burstin
- Conversations Series: Betty Cruz
- Generations Series: Linda Hurwitz
- Generations Series: Lee Fischbach and Oscar Singer
- Generations Series: Chana Brody
- Conversations Series: Jason England
- Teacher Training: Creating an Emotionally Honest Classroom
- Teacher Training: Using Survivor Testimony
- Conversations Series: Marcel L. Walker
- Teacher Training: Teaching Partisan Resistance
- Conversations Series: Reverend Tim Smith
- Conversations Series: Jessie Ramey and Amanda Neatrour
- Educator of the Year Spotlight: Kathy Galecki
- Generations Series: Deborah Leuchter Stueber
- Together We Remember: What Does “Never Again” Mean to You?
- “For You Were Strangers” Opening Event
- My Dear Children Screening and Director’s Talk in Honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day
- Deborah Leuchter Stueber: Generations Speaker Series #8
- CHUTZ-POW! The Art of Resistance Opening and Vol IV Launch
- Kristallnacht Commemoration 2019: Etty
- Lest We Forget Opening
- Resistance and Resilience: Surviving the Nazis in Amsterdam (Hendrika DeVries)
- Inclusivity in Activism
- Introductory Summer Teachers’ Institute
- Jim Crow South and Nazi Racial Science
- Advanced Summer Teachers’ Institute
- OpticVoices: Roots Opening with Ghetto Steps Showing
- The Soap Myth Student Matinee (Part of the Week of Remembrance)
- The Soap Myth (Part of the Week of Remembrance)
- Yom HaShoah Commemoration: Women and the Holocaust (Part of the Week of Remembrance)
- Waldman Arts and Writing Award Ceremony (Part of the Week of Remembrance)
- Rediscovering the Jews of Amiens
- Chana Brody: Generations Speaker Series #7
- The Numbers Keep Changing: Poems and Paintings by Judith R. Robinson
- Susan Hawkins: Generations Speaker Series #6
- Teaching the Holocaust Through Theater
- An Evening with Georgia Hunter
- Korkoro Screening and Discussion in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day
- Lynne Ravas: Generations Speaker Series #5
- The Children of Willesden Lane, a Commemoration in Honor of the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht
- 2018 Virtual Seminar Featuring Magda Brown and the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center Hologram
- An Evening with Magda Brown
- Stitching History from the Holocaust Opening with Guest Speaker Helen Epstein
- When the Smoke Clears: Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Violence, a talk with Dr. Ervin Staub
- Raising Active Bystanders, a Teacher Training with Ervin Staub
- Second Annual Generations Open House
- Not the Last Butterfly Screenings
- The Butterfly Project at Allegheny County Libraries
- Americans and the Holocaust: A Talk with Rebecca Erbelding
- Summer Teacher’s Institute
- Lynne Ravas and Alison Brown Karabin: Generations Speaker Series #4
- James and Paul Guggenheimer: Generations Speaker Series #3
- Book Talk and Signing: Wordwings by Sydelle Pearl
- Walk to Remember
- Yom HaShoah Commemoration
- Waldman International Arts and Writing Award Ceremony
- Teaching the Holocaust Through the Arts
- Escape From the Holocaust: Jewish Refugees and Aliyah Bet, a Public Lecture with Esther Raizen
- Last Road to Safety: The Making of a Holocaust Picture Book, a Teacher Training with Esther Raizen
- South Hills Comics Drink and Draw
- CHUTZ-POW! The Art of Resistance Opening
- Judah Samet and Miriam Cohen: Generations Speaker Series #2
- Sterne Screening and Discussion in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day
- Moshe Baran and Avi Baran Munro: Generations Speaker Series #1
- “Raising Their Voices: Children’s Resistance through Diary Writing and Song”, a lecture by Debórah Dwork
- Semer Ensemble Klezmer Concert
- From Berlin to Pittsburgh: One Family’s Story, a Kristallnacht Commemoration
- Brundibar Revisited Screening and Discussion
- Germany Today: A Talk with Dr. Lauren Bairnsfather
- Butterfly Project Exhibit Opening
- Yolanda Willis Book Launch
- Screening of “Ghetto Steps” & Reception with Telly Award Winner Emmai Alaquiva